Tending Our Garden


More Trees Please

Trees help provide clean air, energy efficiency, better health, cooling shade, and friendlier, more vibrant communities.  Sadly, a couple of months ago, Leimert Park lost a 60+ year old tree near Norton and Stocker.  It reminded me that although we’re in a draught,  without water, the roots rise to the top in search of water, damaging sidewalks in the process.  Without care, the hot/cold weather swings can shock and kill them. I can’t imagine Leimert Park without its beautiful trees, lawns, and creative designs so please remember to give your trees and greenery a little water love a few times each week.
Looking for a tree? City of Los Angeles will provide and plant a variety of trees for parkways and yards for free.  Residents can each request up to seven (7) free shade trees to be delivered to their doors.  See what’s available and apply online at: https://www.cityplants.org/
Happy tree hugging!

Change is Here…and So is Rent-Control


Leimert Park Has Its Challenges